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U.S. Intelligence Training (HUMINT)

Counterterrorism Training for Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Operations

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Safety Unlimited offers Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence-HUMINT training courses to law enforcement, military, security, and intelligence personnel in the government, military, and private security sectors. Safety Unlimited's courses contain unique, up-to-date information on both a strategic and tactical level. Safety Unlimited also conducts risk assessment for individuals and companies located in the U.S. and around the world.

Funding Tip to Make This Training More Available

While some organizations do not have the funding to conduct this type of training, a solution that seems to work well is to include our HUMINT topics as part of other required training, such as refresher training for Police and Fire.

We currently offer the following Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Operations Courses

Homegrown Violent Extremism - Disrupting the Pathways to Radicalization
The Threat of the Islamic State and Radicalization in the Homeland
Iran and Hezbollah: An Operational Guide For Law Enforcement, Fusion Centers and First Responders
Overseas Personal Security and Travel Awareness Training for Private Sector and Government Personnel

Our courses can also be customized to specific areas of interest and selected geographic areas

Other topics we can address include:

  • The threat to the U.S. Homeland and California
  • Objectives and Targets
  • Attack Indicators and Modus Operandi
  • WMD and Explosives
  • Radicalization and Ideology
  • Case Histories/Investigations
  • Communications and Tradecraft
  • Operatives and Training
  • Countering Extremism
  • Psychological Profiles
  • Surveillance and Intel Collection
  • History, Formation, and Organization
  • Hostages and Kidnapping
World Map

Homegrown Violent Extremism - Disrupting the Pathways to Radicalization

Training Overview

Domestic Terrorism

The Boston Marathon Bombing underscores a growing and deadly trend in the United States: "Homegrown" Violent Extremists (HVE) who are influenced and radicalized in the U.S. by foreign elements and groups utilizing the internet, social media, direct contact, and other means. In the decade since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, there have been numerous successful and disrupted "Homegrown" violent extremist terrorist attacks and plots inside our Homeland. This has become the "new face" of terrorism that we will face now, and in the future.

Our one and two day courses will help law enforcement officers, military officials, first responders, and civilian authorities to identify, recognize, and disrupt the pathway to radicalization that is THE key element in the ability of Homegrown Violent Extremists to form, radicalize, train, and carry out terrorist attacks inside the U.S.

Who Should Attend

  • Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement Officials
  • U.S. Military Police and Security Personnel responsible for the protection of U.S. Military bases in the U.S. and overseas
  • U.S. Military Special Operations Forces working the Counter-Terrorism target overseas
  • Civilian First Responders

Course Topics

  • Current Threat Assessment and Overview of Recent Attacks
  • Islam and the Radical Ideology that Drives HVEs
  • The Phases of Radicalization in the United States
  • Pathways to Radicalization: HVEs and First Generation Immigrants
  • Radicalization in the United States: Case Studies
  • Disrupting the Pathway to Radicalization

The Threat of the Islamic State and Radicalization in the Homeland

Training Overview

The current threat from the Islamic State (IS) has never been greater:they are a modern-era insurgency/extremist group who have re-established the Islamic Caliphate, control large areas of territory in Iraq and Syria, possess heavy weapon systems, and are fueled by a radical Islamic ideology. The Islamic State has killed Americans and has motivated, inspired, and directed American Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVE’s) to carry out terrorist attacks in the Homeland. In addition to focusing on the threat from IS worldwide and in the U.S., we will concentrate on the real danger of the ongoing radicalization of U.S. born individuals, and how the Islamic State recruits Americans. We will provide an overview of the radicalization process inside the U.S., discuss how to recognize this process through Pre-Incident Indicators, and look at ways to counter the radicalization of individuals in the U.S. before they carry out violent activities. This 16 Hour intensive course is specifically designed for Law Enforcement professionals, First Responders, Military personnel, Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLO’s), and Private Sector professionals engaged in the security industry.


The Instructor is a 26 year veteran of the CIA, where he served as an undercover operations officer in the Middle East, South America, Europe, and the U.S.,carrying out Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations against a wide variety of foreign terrorist groups including Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State. The Instructor also has extensive experience working against these foreign terrorist group targets in the U.S. through his active participation in a FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). The Instructor currently provides HUMINT training to U.S. military Special Operations Elements directly involved in the fight against Al-Qaida and the Islamic State.

Course Outline

  • Overview of the Growing Threat from the Islamic State to the Homeland
  • Brief Overview of Current Organization, Strength, and Capabilities of the Islamic State — How they View the U.S.
  • Understanding the Radical Ideology that Drives the Islamic State
  • Overview of the Social Media activities and Strategic Messaging of the Islamic State aimed at American Youth
  • Overview of the Growing Threat Posed by Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs) in the Homeland
  • How the Terrorist Attack Timeline fits into the HVE Radicalization Process within the U.S.
  • Understanding the Radicalization Process for HVEs in the U.S..
  • "Old School" Model of HVE Radicalization in the U.S. — Coming Back in Style
  • Understanding How the Islamic State Inspires and Recruits Americans in Your Community
  • Pre-Incident Indicators of Islamic State Inspired Behavior and Activities in the Homeland
  • The Coming "Spillover" from the Syrian Civil War and the Next Threat for the U.S
  • New "Social Media" Model of HVE Radicalization in the U.S
  • Selected Key Components of the HVE Radicalization Process
  • Recognition of the Key Indicators and Behaviors at each Phase of the HVE Radicalization Process
  • Successful Tactics to Disrupt the HVE Radicalization Process

Iran & Hezbollah: An Operational Guide For Law Enforcement, Fusion Centers, and First Responders

Training Overview


This one day training course addresses the rising tensions between the U.S. and Iran, and the ever growing prospect of a military strike against Iranian targets, which may cause a dramatic increase in the threat of Iranian sponsored terrorism in the United States.

This course is designed for law enforcement officers and first responders who may encounter a threat from Iranian or Hezbollah operatives in the U.S., or who may have responsibilities for Iran and Hezbollah investigations and intelligence within their areas of responsibility.

This course provides in-depth strategic, tactical, cultural, and analytical review of the current situation between the U.S. and Iran and its implications for local law enforcement, the military, first responders, and civilian support organizations in the event of conflict between Iran and the West.

Who Should Attend

  • Fusion Center Personnel
  • JTTF Officers
  • Terrorism Liaison Officers
  • Law Enforcement Officers
  • Intelligence Analysts
  • Tactical and Intelligence Operators
  • Fire Department Command Staff
  • First Responders

Course Topics

  • Iranian Threat to the U.S.
  • History and Geography
  • Islam
  • Iranian World view
  • Cultural Traits and Behavior
  • Government of Iran
  • WMD Issues
  • MOIS (Iranian Intelligence and Security Organization)
  • IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)
  • State Sponsored Terrorism
  • Iran and Hezbollah
  • Iranian and Hezbollah Operations in the U.S.
  • Countering Iranian and Hezbollah Operations in the U.S. Homeland

Overseas Personal Security and Travel Awareness Training for Private Sector and Government Personnel

Training Overview

Our training focuses on preparing government, corporate, and private sector employees who travel overseas at the behest of the company to be able to identify and avoid foreign threats, travel safely - with enhanced situational awareness - and understand the specific threats and problems in the areas they are traveling to and working in.

We have provided one and two day seminars on Overseas Personal Security and Travel Awareness Training to numerous private sector and U.S. corporations to better prepare and protect their employees when traveling overseas on commercial business. In addition, we have provided this same training to the United States Secret Service and the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Group (SEALS) with the objective of preparing their employees and operators for work and travel in foreign areas.


Who Should Attend

  • Private Sector Businesspeople
  • Corporate Personnel
  • United States Government Employees who travel to foreign countries on a regular basis

Course Topics

  • Foreign Perceptions and Views of Americans Overseas
  • The Threat from Foreign Governments
  • The Threat from Foreign Criminal Groups
  • The Threat from Foreign Terrorist Groups
  • The Threat from Foreign Commercial Competitors
  • The Vulnerabilities of Personal Electronics
  • Overview of Sound Personal Security Practices
  • Overview of Sound Travel Security Practices
  • Protecting Proprietary Information
  • The Value of Situational Awareness
  • Avoidance of Potential Problems
  • What to do When Things Go Bad
  • Information Resources for the Private Sector
  • Real Life Stories/Case Studies
  • Ground Truth Reality - Mexico and Central America
  • Ground Truth Reality - South America
  • Ground Truth Reality - Middle East
  • Ground Truth Reality - Europe
  • Ground Truth Reality - Southeast Asia
  • Ground Truth Reality - Russia and China
  • Surveillance Detection and Avoidance
  • Kidnapping and Ransom Situations
  • Practical Exercise

Our Instructors

Bob Dougherty

CIA Operations Officer - Mr. Dougherty retired in 2012 with 25 years of service in the CIA's Directorate of Operations. He has extensive operational and on-the-ground experience in the Middle East, South America, the U.S., and Europe. He has managed and run operations worldwide focused on Counter Terrorism, Counter Proliferation, Counter Intelligence, Counter Narcotics, and HUMINT. Mr. Dougherty also gained valuable intelligence experience while assigned as a Joint Terrorism Task Force Officer working Counter Terrorism in the United States.

Ashour Ebrahim

FBI Supervisory Special Agent - Mr. Ebrahim is a former FBI Supervisory Special Agent and a subject matter expert in Middle East Counter Terrorism, Human Intelligence Development, Foreign Travel Security, and Covert Operations. He has spent many years living overseas and conducting federal investigations into Iranian and Hezbollah activities as a JTTF member.

What Our Instructors Provide

We bring qualified counter-terrorism and intelligence expertise that is uniquely capable of providing the very best analysis and protection recommendations to our nation and its allies.

Our capabilities are a complimentary mix of intelligence collection, analysis, operations, technology, support, and training. We have an extensive background in providing intelligence training to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are second to none, with a lifetime of training, education, and knowledge in their respective fields.

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